+ Temas de la Biodiversidad del Litoral Fluvial Argentino II | Miscelánea 14 | Serie Miscelánea .: Publicaciones del INSUGEO :. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica :: CONICET - UNT :: Tucumán, Argentina

Miscelánea 14

Los Megatheriinae (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) de la Formación Ituzaingó (Mioceno Superior-Plioceno) de la provincia de Entre Ríos.

Diego Brandoni

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THE MEGATHERIINAE (XENARTHRA, TARDIGRADA) OF THE ITUZAINGÓ FORMATION (UPPER MIOCENE-PLIOCENE) OF THE ENTRE RÍOS PROVINCE. The subfamily Megatheriinae is known from the Friasian (Middle Miocene) to the Lujanian (Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene). A summary of the present state of knowledge of the megatheriines of the Ituzaingó Formation of Entre Ríos Province is given. The diversity of Megatheriinae of the Ituzaingó Formation is higher than that of any other unit of the Late Miocene-Pliocene of Argentina. However, the nature of the deposits and the fragmentary and dissociated remains on which the species types were recognized, have led to an overestimation of the diversity in this formation. Thus, the Megatheriinae diversity of the Ituzaingó Formation should have been lower than previously considered.

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