+ Temas de la Biodiversidad del Litoral Fluvial Argentino II | Miscelánea 14 | Serie Miscelánea .: Publicaciones del INSUGEO :. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica :: CONICET - UNT :: Tucumán, Argentina

Miscelánea 14

Los Humedales del Chaco: Clasificación, Inventario y Mapeo a Escala Regional

Rubén Ginzburg | Jorge Adámoli | Pablo Herrera | Sebastián Torrella

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THE WETLANDS OF CHACO REGION: CLASSIFICATION, INVENTORY AND MAPPING AT A REGIONAL SCALE.- The wetlands are widely distributed over the whole Chaco region, covering most of the Wet Chaco surface and also extensively represented in the Dry Chaco. Wetlands are ecosystems that depend on periodical flooding or soil saturation, which determine the presence of soils with hydromorphic features and species adapted to permanent or temporary flooding conditions.Despite their wide territorial extension and major functional role, wetlands have not been appropriately mapped, and the current classifications and inventories cover the region only partially or are focused on some particular issues. This work proposes an integrated approach to these aspects, based on both the revision of available information, and on a detailed analysis of satellite images.

Note: Photographs and satellite images of the different wetlands classified and mapped in this paper are available on-line.

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