Miscelánea 14
Aspectos Biogeográficos del Corredor Fluvial Paraguay-Paraná
Luis J. Oakley | Darién Prado | Jorge Adámoli
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BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE PARANÁ PARAGUAY CORRIDOR. The biogeographical corridor formed by the Paraguay-Paraná fluvial system runs through very distinct natural regions. Several authors had previously delimited those regions employing essentially phytogeographical criteria; among these, Cabrera & Willink’s proposal has been the more accepted. In the present contribution a new regionalization model is proposed, based on the biogeographical distribution of the dominant plant communities. Thus, the following great natural units are defined and briefly described: ‘Pantanal’, ‘Bosques Semideciduos de la Chiquitanía’, ‘Aquidabán’, ‘Chaco Oriental’, ‘Transición Chaco-Paranaense’, ‘Paranaense’, ‘Espinal Nororiental’, ‘Pampa Húmeda’ and ‘Delta del Paraná’.