An introduction to geology of the Precordillera, Western Argentina
The Precordillera of Western Argentina (See figure 1 for
location) constitute a typical "thinskinned" high level
thrust-and-fold belt, which was formed during the Andean (Tertiary) crustal
shortening, where mostly E-directed imbrications are combined with folding and
involve a pile of Cambrian to Tertiary sediments. The thrust belt is
above a main décollement within the Ordovician to Lower Devonian strata. To the
East it is bounded by a back thrust zone directed westwards, mean-while to the
West it is bounded by a tectonic valley alignment trending N-S, separating from
the adjacent Cordillera Frontal (Figure 2). On the other side no Precambrian
basement rocks are exposed in the Argentine Precordillera, it being probably
that the basement is composed of metamorphic rocks which can be inferred from
xenoliths found in Tertiary volcanic rocks, which indicate a Grenville-age, ~
1100 Ma, which allow a strong relationship between Precordillera and Appalachian
basements, and so, to consider the Precordillera as a continental fragment
rifted from Laurentia (Astini et al.,1995). Indeed, Dalla Salda et al.
(1993) propose that the Laurentian origin of Precordillera is because the
Taconian Gondwana-Laurentia collision, which resulted the Occidentalia Terrane,
trending along the Andes from the Northern Chile to Patagonia, and the related
Famatinian orogen.
In agreement with the new hypothesis concerned to the origin of the Precordillera as allochtonous terrane accreted to Gondwana during the Lower Paleozoic (Figure 3), it became necessary to introduce the name of "Cuyania" for a terrane continental fragment which include either the classical Precordillera as well as the Bloque de San Rafael , to the south in the province of Mendoza, and the San Jorge Limestones, outcropping in the province of La Pampa, within of the Sierras Pampaeanas structural setting. On the other side, the Precordillera is considered as an autochthonous Gondwnc fragment (Baldis et al., 1989; Aceñolaza and Toselli,1999a; Aceñolaza et al.,1999b) displaced by simple transcurrence mechanics; from a hypothetical intermediate sector between South America, Africa and Antarctica (.Aceñolaza and Toselli,1999a; Aceñolaza et al., 1999b).
Structural and stratigraphic features
a structural viewpoint, three morpho-structural units can be recognized in the
Precordillera, which are distinguished between them, on the basis of their
different stratigraphic composition and structural styles: The Eastern
Precordillera, defined by Ortiz y Zambrano (1981), the Central Precordillera, defined by Baldis
and Chebli (1969) and, the Western Precordillera defined by Baldis et
al. (1982) (Figure 2). The Eastern Precordillera is stratigraphically
characterized by a thick carbonate platform sequence, Cambrian to earlier
Ordovician in age, distributed mainly at the Villicum, Zonda and Pedernal
ranges. This sequence comprises, from the base upwards, the La Laja Formation
(Lower to Middle Cambrian), the Zonda Formation (Middle Cambrian), the La Flecha
Formation (Middle-Upper Cambrian), the La Silla Formation (Upper
Cambrian?-Lowermost Ordovician) and the San Juan Formation (Arengian to Early
Llanvirnian). The boundary between them it is conformably everywhere. At the
top, the San Juan Formation show an erosional surface (harground). This sequence
is also, widely distributed in the Central Precordillera, changing to deep-sea
clastic facies towards the Western Precordillera. In the Northern part of the
Central Precordillera, a Cambrian sequence outcrops, including red clastic
unit with interbedded evaporites of the Lower Cambrian, dolostone and
limestone of the Middle and Upper Cambrian, succeed by Lower Ordovician
limestone, Middle Ordovician shale, and Middle and Upper Ordovician synorogenic
clastic-wedge rocks that reflect an eastern orogenic source.
the Villicum range, the Cambrian-Earlier Ordovician carbonate sequence is
followed by a thick siliciclastic marine sequence, ranging from Lower
Llanvirnian to Upper Silurian (Peralta,1993), which includes from the base
upwards, graptolitic black shales of .the Gualcamayo Formation (Lower
Llanvirnian), succeed by Caradocian shelf deposits including graptolites of the
N. gracili,r
Zone, bounded by an erosional surface marking the beginning of the Late
Ashgillian glacial event, involving glacial-marine diamictite (pebbly
mudstones), succeed by siltstones containing brachiopods of the Hirnantia
Fauna, trilobites of the Dalmanitina
Fauna, indeed Normalograptus
perrculptus. This succession is capped by oolitic ironstone bearing
palynomorphs, interbedded with graptolitc shales, indicating Lower Llandoverian
age. A conspicuous erosional surface at the top of the Llandoverian deposits
point the beginning of a typical sedimentary mélange, including olistostromes
deposits and calcareous olistholith (Peralta,1993). Anywhere in Precordillera,
the upper part of the San Juan Formation and the Gualcamayo Formation contains
K-bentonite levels interbedded, which indicate the explosive volcanic event
related to Famatina magmatic arch.
Carboniferous and Permian
deposits are well distributed mainly in the Central Precordillera, where they
show a develop of continental, glacial-marine and marine facies, changing
westwards to predominately marine, glacial-marine and scarce continental
facies, in the Western Precordillera. There, the Carboniferous marine strata
contains brachiopods of the Levipustula
Zone, while in the Carboniferous-Permian boundary the Cancrinella
Zone occurs. At the Eastern Precordillera, Carboniferous deposits occurs
on the western flank of the Zonda and Pedernal ranges, however, up to date,
Permian strata has not been recorded in the Eastern Precordillera.
For a large part of the
Mesozoic, the Precordillera acted as a positive area and provided the source
of sediments in the extensive basins that developed on its margins. During the
Triassic, two main sedimentary basin, coinciding with the present valleys of
Barreal-Uspallata and BermejoMendoza, were developed, involving typical lake
and river sedimentation, related to basaltic rocks, and environments suitable
for the spread of the classical Dicroidium
flora and large numbers of reptiles. In this way, Mesozoic rocks are
poorly represented in the Argentine Precordillera, despite this, they are
mainly distributed in the Western Precordillera, predominantly in lacustrine
facies containing abundant plant remains. On the other side, Triassic
fossiliferous deposits, continental in origin, occurs at the Morado hill,
southern end of the Mogna range, where a reptile fauna has been found. The main
Triassic basins located in Uspallata-Potrerillos valley, in province of
Mendoza were suitable for the creation of coal, bitumen, oil and gas. In
general the Triassic deposit show a typical "taphrogenic" vertical
arrangement, forming thinning-upward sequences.
The absence of Jurassic and Cretaceous
sediments in
the Precordillera indicates that this region was elevated during this time, serving as a source area for the
Beremejo and Uspallata basins, located out of the Precordillera; the former to
the western, and the second one to the eastern of Precordillera. The new
active margin was located to the west, corresponding to the present-day trench
of the Andean Cordillera, and closely related to the magmatic and tectonic
activity of the Cordillera Principal of San Juan and Mendoza (Baldis et
al., 1984).
In general sense, the Tertiary continental sequence of the Precordillera are composed mainly of alluvial deposits, whereas lacustrine, including bentonites beds, and eolian sediments, although to a small-scale, are present too. Anywhere Tertiarydeposits outcrops in Precordillera, they show a typical orogenic arrangement forming coarsening-thickening upward sequences, in a foreland tectonic setting. In the Easterm Precordillera, the Tertiary deposits display everywhere, but they predominate in the north part, at the Mogna (= Móquina) range, mean-while, small Tertiary basins occurs sparsely in the Central Precordillera. On the other side, Tertiary sediments are abundant in Western Precordillera, particularly between that and Cordillera Frontal. Extensive Tertiary (Miocene) volcanic rocks outcrops mainly on the eastern margin of the Central Precordillera. Here, the volcanic rocks including xenoliths of crystalline basement rocks, which have ages of ~ 1100 Ma, and are geochemically like the basement of the Llano uplift on the Texas promontory of Laurentia (Thomas and Astini, 1996).
The Precordillera Terrane concept
In agree with the concept
outlined by Coney, Jones and Monger (1980)
a Terrane is characterized by "internal
homogeneity and continuity of stratigraphic, tectonic style and history"
and boundaries that are "fundamental discontinuities in stratigraphy
that cannot be explained easily by conventional facies changes or uncoformities". According this definition the Precordillera is a
distintive terrane which can be recognized mainly on the basis of its key stratigraphic composition, involving biostratigraphic, sedimentary and
magmatic events, and its boundaries with the adjacent geologic regions, are
abrupt (Ramos et
al., 1986).
Recent geochemistry and
petrologic studies demostrates that the metamorphic rocks distributed Glose
of the Easter boundary of the Precordillera, in Western Pampeanas ranges, are
1100 My in age, likewise those of the basement of the Bloque de San Rafael and
the San Jorge Limestones at the La Pampa Province. This allow to establish
a Glose relationship with the Grenvillian rock basements of the Appalachian orogeny, in
Laurentia. This data suggest that, at least during the Cambrian
time, Precordillera Terrane was a Laurentian fragment. According with the Terrane
concept, the present Precordillera, plus the Bloque de San Rafael
and San Jorge Limestones, integrate a only geological entity so-called
Precordillera Terrane or Cuyania Terrane.
There is not fundamental doubt that the Precordillera is an exotic terrane, but some questions are still open, such as the time of collision with the Gondwana margin, and the just place whence Precórdillera was derived. Indeed, the recognition of allochthonous rocks, so-called "The Calingasta Allochthon" (Nullo and Stephens,1996), in the Western Precordillera, surrounded by autochthonous Middle to Upper Ordovician sedimentary deposits, has been interpreted as a Taconic tie between eastern North America and western South America further confirms the linkage of these continents in the early Paleozoic and places additional constraints on the geographic juxtapositiont of these continents.
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