Lower Cambrian trilobite correlation between Spain and Jordan
The Bilbilian is a chronostratigraphic unit for the
late Lower Cambrian of the Mediterranean region. It is represented mainly by
siliciclastic ormixed facies where trilobites are not abundant. New Bilbilian
trilobitefindings in the North of Spain have permitted us to compare the
Bilbilian sequences from Spain with
Two trilobites
assemblages may be distinguisedin the Spanish Bilbilian strata: the lower
assemblage is composed of thetrilobite taxa Kingaspis (Kingaspidoides) c£ velatus Sdzuy,1961 and Realaspis
strenoides Sdzuy, 1961 which are present in the sequences of Montes de
Toledo (central Spain) and Cadenas Ibéricas (NE Spain). Theupper assemblage
is composed of Kingaspis (Kingaspis) campbelli (King, 1923), Onaraspis
altus (Liñán & Gozalo, 1986), Hamatolenus
(Hamatolenus) ibericus Sdzuy, 1958 Protolenus
(Hupeolenus) jilocanus (Liñán and Gozalo, 1986), Tonkinellasequei Liñán and Gozalo, 1999 and Sdzuyia sanmamesi Liñán and Gozalo, 1999.The first trilobite
assemblage is considered as being of the Upper MarianianLower Bilbilian age
(Sdzuy 1971) and the second trilobiteassemblage is considered as being of
the Upper Bilbilian age. The Darocaregression took place between both
In the
late Lower Cambrian sequences of Jordan,two other trilobite assemblages have
been considered by Rushton and Powell(1998). The lower assemblage contains
Realaspis sp. nov. and Redlichops
blanckenhorni Richter and Richter, 1941 while the upper assemblage
contains K (K) campbelli and Palaeolenus
antiquus (Chernysheva, 1956). Bothassemblages have also been assigned to
the Bilbilian age by these authors.
The comparison between
the late Lower Cambrian sequences and trilobitesfrom Spain and Jordan allow us
to conclude that the assemblages with Realaspis may be considered as Lower
Bilbilian and the assemblages
We acknowledge support
from the Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior, project PB96-0744. Ma
Eugenia Dies receives a predoctoral research grant from the Departamento de
Educación y Cultura of the Diputación General de Aragón.
K.1971. Acerca de la correlación del Cambrico inferior en la Península
I CongresoHirpanoLusoAmericano
de Geología Económica. Geología II., 753-768.
A.WA. and Powell. J.H. 1998. A
Review of thestratigraphy and trilobite faunas from the Cambrian Burj
Formation in Jordan. Bull nat. Hist. Mus.
Lond.(Geol.), 54 (2), 131-146