of Cambrian phytoplankton
The global cumulative
record of Cambrian phytoplankton is estimated to exceed 350 morphospecies and
is compiled from the marine shelf and intracratonic successions from almost
all known palaeocontinents during the time. In this account, the acritarch
microfossils, representing unicellular, autotrophic protists of
prasinophycean, chlorophycean and probable other algal affinities, are
considered. Their abundant record derives from predominantly siliciclastic
deposits, but also carbonates, cherts and phosphorites, accumulated in various
depositional environments.
Acritarchs have
undergone fast evolution during the Neoproterozoic and early Palaeozoic, in
particular Cambrian, times. The radiation and extinction rates during
Cambrian, and in general increased tempo of speciation, are estimated from
comprehensive occurrences within discrete biochrons. The duration of
acritarch and time-equivalent faunal biochrons has been calculated to 2-5 Ma,
and is based on isotopic age determinations of rock units comprising
diagnostic assemblages. The appreciation of Cambrian phytoplankton diversity
is increasingly accurate, owing to recent re-evaluation of taxonomy and
stratigraphic ranges of numerous taxa and better resolution of the global
frame. Although various stages and/or informal segments of the Cambrian
successions are unequally studied and the micropalaeontological record is
biased, the consistent taxonomic fluctuations and replacements of
associations between individual biochrons are well recognised. The pattern of
acritarch biodiversity changes has been utilised to define several biozones
throughout the system (Volkova et al., 1983; Welsh, 1986;
Volkova 1990; Moczydlowska 1991, 1998; Molyneux et al., 1996), which are set
in relation to trilobite biozones. Based on the established time equivalence,
the acritarch and faunal biozones, and corresponding biochrons, can be used
alternatively for more universal biochronology. It is obvious, however, that
the time span of particular biochrons is of a different length.
The evolutionary changes coincide
frequently with major geological events such as sea level rise and fall,
tectonic movement and deformation, glaciation and other and climatic
fluctuations. The comaparison of the contemporaneous Cambrian geo- and
bioevents that occurred in short time intervals (a few million years)
strongly supports the idea that many of the recorded evolutionary changes were
caused by the environmental factors. The biotic and environmantal interactions
are intrinsic, however, judging from the fossil record to what extent the
environmental changes have influenced evolutionary innovations or how the
biota have affected the environments remain uncertain.
A new case study of the acritarch-based
biochronology of the Cambrian in the Baltica palaeocontinent provides an
evidente that the earliest appearance of trilobites, or at least their wide
palaeogeographic distribution, was probable contemporaneous in Baltica and at
the Armorican margin of Gondwana (the Iberian Península), coinciding in time
with the second early Cambrian acritarch biochron, the
Skiagia-Fimbriaglomerella Biochron, which is time-equivalent to the
Schmidtiellus mickmitzi trilobite Biochron (Moczydlowska, 1999; Vidal et al.,
1999; Moczydlowska et al., in prep.)
records of acritarchs and olenellid
trilobites have been studied from the autochthonous Lower Cambrian successions
along the Caledonian Thrust Front in northem Sweden. The fossils are from a
newly examined natural outcrop at Bergmyrhobben near Lake Storuman, and from
the outcrops previously known to be fossiliferous at Delliknas and Mt.
Assjatj, the Laisvall mine and the Maiva borehole successions in the Laisvall
area. The phytoplankton assemblages are recorded throughout the Grammajukku
Formation and are age diagnostic for the Skiagia-Fimbriaglomerella acritarch
Zone (the lower part of the formation), and the Heliosphaeridium-Skiagia
acritarch Zone corresponding to the Holmia kjérulfi trilobite Zone (the upper
part of the formation). The acritarch record from the Storuman area documents
the presence of strata contemporaneous to the Schmidtiellus mickwitzi Zone
for the first time in the Scandinavian Caledonides. This zone was previously
recognised in the platform regions of the Baltica palaeocontinent. The
trilobite fauna, attributed tentatively to Holmia sp. though probably
representing a new species, occurs at the lowermost stratigraphic level
among olenellids in the Caledonides. The range of this species, estimated from
the concurrent acritarchs biochronology, is within the Schmidtiellus mickwitzi Zone.
Moczydlowska, M.1991. Acritarch biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian
and the PrecambrianCambrian boundary in southeastern Poland. Fossils and
Strata 29, 127 pp.
Moczydlowska, M. 1998. Cambrian acritarchs from Upper Silesia, Poland
-biochronology and tectonic implications. Fossils and Strata 46,121
Moczydlowska, M. 1999. The Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary recognized by acritarchs in Baltica and at the margin of Gondwana. Bolletino delta Societa Paleontologica Italiana 38, 2-3, 207-225.
Moczydlowska, M., Jensen, S., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Budd, G.E. and Martí-Mus, M.
( in prep.). Biochronology of the autochthonous Lower Cambrian in the
LaisvalIStóruman arca, Swedish Caledonides.
Molyneux, S.G., Le Hérissé, A. and Wicander, R.1996. Palaeozoic phytoplankton. In (eds) Jansonius, J and McGregor, D. C. Palynology: Principles andApplications. Volume 2 Applications, 492-529.
Vidal, G., Palacios, T, Moczydlowska,
M. and Gubanov, A.P. 1999. Age constraints from small shelly fossils on the
early Cambrian terminal Cadonian Phase in Iberia. GFF, The Geological Saciety of
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Volkova, N.A.
1990. Akritarkhi srednego i verkhnego kembriya
vostochno-evropeyskoy platformy. (Middle
and Upper Cambrian acritarchs form the East European Platformy, 115 pp. Nauka, Moscow (In Russian).
Volkova, N.A., Kiryanov, V V, Piscun, L.V, Pashkyavichene, L.T. and Jankauskas, TV 1983. Plant microfossils. In: Upper Precambrian and Cambrian palaeontology of the East-European Platform. (eds. A. Urbanek and A. Yu. Rozanov), pp. 5-46. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne.
Welsch, M. 1986. Die
Acritarchen der hoheren Digermul-Gruppe, Mittelkambrium bis Tremadoc,
Ost-Finnmark, Nord-Norwegen. Palaeontographica,
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