Early Ordovician trilobite genus jujuyaspis
in Australia
a stratigraphically
useful trilobite for the definition of the earliest Ordovician, has been
identified in the onshore Bonaparte Basin of northeastern Western Australia.
It occurs in single collections (JSK251 and JSK268) from two sections (CG231
and CG249) in the Pander Greensand at Clark Jump Up, on Carlton Hill Station,
39 km north of Kununurra. The Pander Greensand, the youngest outcropping
CambrianOrdovician formation of the Bonaparte Basin, is a deeply weathered,
highly glauconitic quartz sandstone, approximately 125 m thick at section
is a component of Faunal
Unit XII in the informal biostratigraphic scheme proposed for the Ord and
Bonaparte Basins by Opik (in Kaulback and Veevers, 1969). This Unit contains
three distinct faunal assemblages. The earliest one, possibly of terminal
Cambrian, latest Datsonian or earliest Warendan age, in Australian stadial
nomenclature, contains Aristokainella cf
A. calvicepitis Zhou and Zhang,
1978, and undetermined species of Hystricurus
(Hystricurus), Leiostegium (L.eiostegium) and Yosimuraspis. The second assemblage consists of Aristokainella
cf A. calvicepitis, and undetermined species of JiJia? Jujúyaspis, Leiostegium (Leiostegium) and Parpilekia?
This has an early Ordovician, early Warendan age, within the Cordylodus lindstromi conodont zone. The youngest trilobite
assemblage of Unit XII, comprising Tienshihfuia
cf T. constricia Kuo and Duan, 1982, and undetermined species of Apatokephalops
and Asaphellus, is associated
with conodonts which include Cordylodus
angulatus, Chosonodina berfurthi, Drepanoistodus and
Rossodus? which
confirm a late Warendan age within the Cordylodus
angulatus-Chosonodina berfurthi Zone.
two collections which have yielded Jujuyaspis
contain six cranidia, two librigenae and thirteen pygidia. Cranidia are
all incomplete and details of the preglabellar morphology cannot be documented
with confidence. Neverthless, the tagma is transversely moderately convex. The
glabella is anteriorly gently tapered and bluntly rounded, extending to the
anterior cranidial margin; the
The type species of Jujuyaspis, J. keideli Kobayashi,
1936, and its synonyms (according to Aceñolaza and Aceñolaza, 1992), occurs
in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Norway where Nikolaisen and Henningsmoen
(1985) recognised J. keideli norvegica, J.
Henningsmoen, 1957 also occurs in Norway. In North
America, J bocealis
Kobayashi, 1955 occurs in British
Colombia, Alberta, Utah and Texas. J.
Baldis et al., 1984 occurs in
Colombia, and J. sinensis Zhou, 1980 (in Chen et al., 1980) occurs in
Hebei, China. Nikolaisen and Henningsmoen (1985) also consider Alimbataspis
kelleri Balashova, 1961 from Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan, to be a
species of Jujuyaspis. Furthermore, the fragments described by Shergold
and Sdzuy (1991) as olenid genus and species undeterrnined, from Celtiberia,
Spain, also seem likely to represent this genus. Everywhere, species of Jujuyaspis
occur close to the beginning of the Tremadoc,
being either associated with subspecies of Rhabdinoporaflabelliforme or
conodonts of the Cordylodus
lindstromi Zone.
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