Isotope Chemostratigraphy of Carbonate Sequences and the PrecambrianCambrian
transition in NW Argentina
C-isotope stratigraphy is one of the most
powerfool tools in Precambrian chronostratigraphy, especially when sediments
lack recognizable animal fossils (Kaufman, 1998). The d13C secular
variation curve for marine carbonates in the Neoproterozoic (Hoffman et al.
(1998) shows strong positive-negative excursions, four of the major ones
interpreted as the stratigraphy position of ancient ice ages. In this study,
we examined carbonates in NW Argentina that could, potentially, be proxies for
the Precambrian-Cambrian transition, studying their d13C
chemostratigraphy and comparing it to a global C isotope secular variation
Geologieal setting
.The Puncoviscana Fm. sl.
is a complex sedimentary sequence of Upper Precambrian-Lower Cambrian age,
outcroping in NW Argentina, from Tucumán to Salta and Jujuy. These rocks
are highly deformed shales, sandstones, carbonates and conglomerates. In
several localities, trace fossils of Tommotian age (Oldhamia facies) are
abundant in clastic facies. The carbonates (Las Tienditas/Volcán Fms sensu
Salfity et al., 1975) are intercalated in the clastic sequence and are
composed of black limestones that show sparitic calcite with recrystallized
organic matter, Fe sulfide grains, and lithic fragments (plag., chl., qz).
According to Jezek (1990), these carbonates were deposited in marine tectonic
ridges within shallow environments. In the
Carbon and oxygen
isotope chemostratigraphy Over 100 samples were taken along traverses,
perpendicular to the strike of limestone layers, at a metric scale, from
carbonates of the Las Tienditas Fm., from the Pie de Palo range complex and
from La Laja Fm., Precordillera. CO2 gas was extracted from
powdered carbonates in a high vacuum line after reaction with 100%
phosphoric acid at 25°C for one day (three days allowed, when
dolomite was present). The CO2 released, after cryogenic cleaning,
was analyzed in a double inlet, triple collecter SIRA II mass spectrometer and
results are reported in d notation, PDB scale, in permil (%).
Las Tienditas Fm.
Twenty three carbonate samples were stratigraphically collected from a
100m-thick exposure about 38 km SE from Salta in the Lerma Valley. d13C
values between -1.6 and + 3.4 %opdb
have been found, the highest
positive values observed at the basis of the section, and gradually decrease
towards the top. About 15 m from the top, a negative excursion (-1.6) is then
observed. Oxygen isotopes exhibit strong oscillations at the basis of the
Formation and gradually increase from -11.5 to -5%oPDB, at the
corresponding point where the lowest d'3C value was observed.
About 15 m from the top of this unit occur argillaceous levels, more thicker
as one approaches the contad with the Puncoviscana Fm. The C- isotope curve of
this Formation when compared to the one across the Precambrian-Cambrian
boundary elsewhere suggest that Las Tienditas carbonates have registered such
a transition about 15m from its top at the studied section.
La Laja Fm., Precordillera Thirty five samples stratigraphically
collected for ~700m of carbonates in this Formation along the Zonda Valley in
(b) Pie
de Palo Range complex Carbonate rocks of this complex have been sampled in
three localities: two of them in the
Petaca Creek (Ciampo Venato and Pozo) in the occidental side of the Range, and
a third one, in the San Ceferino locality, in its southwestern portion. Each
locality displays a different d13C chemostratigraphic profile. d13C in 10
carbonate samples from the Pozo locality are very close to 0.0%oPDB,
15 carbonate lens samples from Ciampo Venato yielded d13C values
between-1.0 and 0.0 %oPDB.
San Ceferino, 11 carbonate samples exhibit d13C values from -1.4 to +1.3 %oPDB.
These three C isotope proffes
show a very narrow range of variation, atypical for Late Neoproterozoic
sedimentary carbonates.
Conclusions Present C-isotope data suggest
that the Precambrian-Cambrian transition was recorded by carbonates of the
upper portion of Las Tienditas Fm, and at the lowest portion of the La Laja
Fm. Little d13C variation, around zero, for carbonates of the Pie de
Palo complex, is in better agreement with a Late Mesoproterozoic age, as
proposed by several authors (e.g., Kay el al., 1996). The
Precordillera basin is interpreted as an exotic terrane detached from the
Gondwana western side by strike-slip movement from a region between South
America, Africa and Antarctica (SAFRAN, sensu Aceñolaza and Toselli, 1999).
Other hypotheses propose the origin of Precordillera as a collisional event
between the Occidentalia terrane (Dalla Salda el al., 1992) or the
detachment of a exotic terrane derived from Ouachita embayment of southern
Appalachians (Astini el al., 1995). More detailed
Cisotopic work is necessary, however, to allow a chemostratigraphic
comparison among Early Paleozoic carbonate sequences from the continents
encompassed in these different hypotheses.
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