Middle Cambrian Hadimopanella from Mila Formation in the
Alborz Mountains, northern Iran
Phosphatic, discoidal sclerites with
prominent nodes on the upper surface known as hadimopanellid microfossils are
described from the Late Cambrian inter-reef calcareous grainstone of the Mila
Formation in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran. This is the first record
of the palaeoscolecidan from Iran. Isolated sclerites demonstrate a complex
ornamentation characteristic for widely known species of Hadimopanella and are
interpreted as plate size skeletal elements of Palaeoscolex sp.
Isolated button-shaped phosphatic
sclerites that include hadimopanellids as problematic microfossils Hadimopanella
Gedik, 1977, Lenargyrion
Bengtson, 1977, Kaimenella
Märss, 1988 and Milaculum
Müller, 1973 have recendy considered to belong to the worm-like
organisms of Palaeoscolecida Conway Morris and Robinson, 1986, which have
their outer surface covered with tight1y arranged slcerites in transverse
rocas on a narrow annuli (see Kraft and Mergl 1989; Hinz et
al. 1990; Müller and Hinz-Schallreuter 1993; Conway Morris 1997).
The Mila Formation of was defined by Stöcklin
et al.
(1964), which has its type section at the south slope
of Mila Kuh, 50 km westsouthwest of Damghan, eastem part of Alborz Mts,(Fig.
1). This formation is well exposed in several outcrops of the Alborz Mountains
(Hamdi 1995, fig. 1) and is divided into five lithological members, which
consist of dolomites, trilobite bearing limestone, shales and sandstones, from
Late Early Cambrian to Lower Ordovician (Assereto 1963; Stöcklin et al.
1964). Seven trilobite zones have been distinguished for the Mila Formation
and its equivalents in the Mila Group (Kushan 1973; Fortey and Rushton 1976;
Wittke 1984) and conodont zonation has been established based on conodont
studies (Ruttner et
al. 1968; Müller 1973a).
The studied and sampled section of the Mila Formation is located 3 km in the north of shahmirzad along a road cutting, on the southern side of kuh-e-Kahesh
A total of 58 samples from this section
were collected for micropalaeontological investigations and their relative
position is indicated on schematic stratigraphic profile at the Shahmirzad
section. The chemical preparation of the samples was standard as for
conodonts, using 10% acetic or formic acids. Over 300 phosphatic isolated
sclerites have been picked up from the residuum of two productive samples.
The specimens of Hadimopanella described from Mila Formation without doubt can be
assigned to the species H. oezgueli Gedik,
1977, because of the similar morphology and number of nodes. Iranian specimens
differ slightly in its generally smaller size and lower number of nodes from
the Turkish specimens from Upper (or Middle) Cambrian of Karakaya Tepe,
Taurus Mountains (Gedik, 1977) and Spanish specimens from Middle Cambrian of
Lancara Formation (van den Boogaard, 1983), but they are more similar to
Australian, specimens discovered in two fragment of palaeoscolecidan worms
cuticle in different form (I and II) from the Middle Mount Murray, late
Templetonian (Müller and FIinz-Schallreuter, 1993: fig. 7, D-G). The latter
have nodes arranged
in a ring around a central node resembling some forms from Iran and Spain (van
den Boogaard, 1983, fig. 4a) or Utahphospha
cassiniana Repetski (1981) and seems to be similar in Müller and
Hinz-Schallreuter (1993: p. 567) opinion to Palaeoscolex sinensis Hou and Sun, 1988, from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang.
The specimens of Iranian Hadimopanella possessing
15 nodes or more may form elongate plates with nodes arranged in rocas and are
compatible merely with the Milaculum Müller, 1973 plates (Van Boogaard,
1989b; Müller and HinzSchallreuter, 1993).
The described hete sclerites markedly
differ in morphology and size from those assigned to that genus as Hapicata Wrona, 1982 and H. antarctica
Wrona, 1987, or H.? coronata Boogaard,
However, palaeoscolecidan remains are
widely distributed in Lower Palaeozoic rocks, Hadimopanella oezgueli specimens are restricted to the Middle or
Upper Cambrian strata, but their usefulness for biozonation is rather low and
speculative. More clear is ecological and palaeobiogeographical interpretation
of palaeoscolecidians bearing hadimopanellids plates as a group of biota which
were a major component of Cambrian (or even Lower Palaeozoic) benthic
often associated with marine around reef inhabitants.
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