Serie Correlación Geológica Nº 16
of the
System in Argentina.
Edited by: F. G. Aceñolaza
Indice de contenidos |
Credits |
Aspects of the Ordovician System in Argentina. ACEÑOLAZA, F.C. |
The Caradoc siliciclastic sequence ofthe Pavon Formation, San Rafael block, Mendoza, Argentina. CINGOLANI, C.A.; ABRE, P. AND MANASSERO. |
The Early Ordovician in the Sistema de Famatina: Stratigraphic and geotectonic framework. ESTEBAN, S.B. |
The Upper Ordovician graptolite faunas of the Cuyania Terrane: Their biostratigraphic and paleogeographic significance in the western margin of Gondwana. PERALTA, S. AND FINNEY, S. |
Sponge fauna and spicule assemblages from the Ordovician of Argentina: a review. BERESI, M.S. AND ESTEBAN, S.B. |
The Ordovician brachiopod faunas of Argentina: Chronology and biostratigraphic succession. BENEDETTO, J.L. |
Ordovician Nautiloids of Argentina. ACEÑOLAZA, F.G. AND BERESI, M.S. |
Ordovician Echinoderms of Argentina. ACEÑOLAZA, G.F. AND GUTIERREZ-MARCO, J.C. |
Trilobites from the base of the Ordovician System in northwestern Argentina. TORTELLO, M.F., ESTEBAN, S.B. AND ACEÑOLAZA, G.F.; |
Advances on conodont-graptolite biostratigraphy of the Ordovician System of Argentina. ALBANESI, G.L. AND ORTEGA, G. |
Upper Llanvirn - Lower Caradoc conodont biostratigraphy, southern Mendoza, Argentina. HEREDIA, S. |
Ordovician trace fossils of Argentina. ACEÑOLAZA, G.F. AND ACEÑOLAZA, F.G. |
Ordovician Bivalvia and Rostroconchia of Argentina: an updated synthesis. SANCHEZ, T.M. |
Ordovician palynomorphs of Argentina: an integrated approach. VERGEL, M., ARAOZ, L. AND RUBINSTEIN, C. |
Ordovician metamorphism of the Sierras Pampeanas, Sistema de Famatina and Cordillera Oriental, Northwestern Argentina. ROSSI, J.M., WILLNER, A.P. AND TOSELLI, A.J. |
Ordovician magmatism in the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba. BONALUMI, A. AND BALDO, E. |
Ordovician rocks from La Pampa province, Argentina. TICKYJ, H., LLAMBIAS, E.J. AND MELCHOR, R.N. |
Ordovician volcanic activity in the Puna, Argentina. COIRA, B. AND KOUKHARSKY, M. |
The Ordovician Basin of Northern Argentina. MOYA, M.C. |
The Ordovician System in the Famatina belt: depositional history and tectonic evolution. MÁNGANO, M.G., ASTINI, R.A., BUATOIS, L.A. AND DÁVILA, F. |
Ordovician magmatism of the Sierras Pampeanas, Famatina System and Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentina. TOSELLI, A.J., SIAL, A.N. AND ROSSI, J.N. |
The Ordovician of the Sierra de San Luis: Famatinian magmatic arc and low to high-grade metamorphism. SATO, A.M., GONZALEZ, P.D. AND LLAMBIAS, E.J.. |
Ordovician mineralizations in Argentina. SCHALAMUK, I.B. AND DE BARRIO, R.E. |
The Ordovician System in Antarctica. PARICA, C. |
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán