Magmatism in the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba
BONALUMI1 and Edgardo BALDO2
1- Escuela de Geología. F.C.E.F. y Naturales Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Av Vélez Sarsfield 299 5000 . Córdoba. E-mail: abonalumi@com.uncor.edu
2-Escuela de Geología. F.C.E.F. y Naturales Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. y CONICET. E-mai: ebaldo@com.uncor.edu
the Ordovician period, the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba constitute the foreland
of the Famatinian orogenic belt. The gneissic-migmatic basement and granitoids
of lower Cambrian age was deformed by ductile shear zones and intruded by
igneous rocks related to the Famatinian magmatic arc.In the lower to medium
Ordovician period (499-460 Ma) little plutons and dikes of tonalitic,
trondhjemitic, granodioritic, (TTG magmatism) and, to a lesser degree, granitic
composition were emplaced. The plutons are elliptic or round-shaped, they cut
the metamorphic foliations of lower Cambrian age, and, in contact with marbles,
they form high to medium temperature metasomatic skarns. The plutons are mainly
concentrated in the eastern side of the ranges (Sierra Chica, Sierra de Cuniputo
and Sierras de San Marcos) and in this area they are of tonalitic-trondhjemitic
composition with minor granodiorites. In the Sierra de Guasapampa, stocks of
granitic-granodioritic composition of similar age occur. These geographical
distribution suggests a systematic compositional variation of these plutons,
with predominance of the tonalitictrodhjemitic varieties eastwards and
granitic-granodioritic types westwards. In the Sierra Norte of Córdoba,
rhyolite dikes of shallow level of emplacement and little plutons of granitic
composition are recognised; The TTG magmatism of the Ordovician period in Córdoba
is rich in Na2O ( 3.2 – 5.8%), CaO (3.4
– 2.6%), and Sr (800 – 400 ppm), very depleted in K2O
(0.65 – 2.02%), FeOt (0.70 – 1.20%), Cs (0.2
–2.3 ppm), Y (1 – 23 ppm) and U (0.2 – 1.5 ppm). Besides, this magmatism
has very low Rb/Sr ratios (0.015 – 0.12), positive or absent Eu-anomaly
(Eu/Eu*= 0.9 – 2.4), [La/Yb]n ratios between 20 and 55,
relatively low 87Sr/ 86Sr
initial ratios (0.705 – 0.707) and eNd between + 1.5 and – 4.8. This
geochemical signature suggests at least for some of the trondhjemitic units, a
deep magmatic source and probably astenospheric mantle source.In the regional
context, the Ordovician magmatism of Córdoba represents an inner magmatic arc,
emplaced in the Pampean basement of the western Gondwana margin. This arc
developed contemporaneously with the main Famatinian magmatic arc, located
westwards; the latter gave rise to huge metaluminous “I-type”, metaluminous
and calcic batholitic units that outcrop in the Chepes, Ulapes and Valle Fértil
Durante el período
Ordovícico, las Sierras Pampeanas de Córdoba constituyeron el antepáis del
cinturón orogénico Famatiniano, el basamento gneisico-migmático de edad Cámbrica
inferior fue intruido por rocas ígneas vinculadas al arco magmático
famatiniano y deformado en fajas discretas de cizallamiento dúctil. En el Ordovícico
inferior a medio (499 - 460 Ma) se emplazaron pequeños unidades plutónicas y
diques de composición Tonalítica, Trondhjemítica, Granodiorítica y
minoritariamente Granítica (magmatismo TTG). Los plutones presentan formas
circulares o elípticas en planta, cortan las foliaciones metamórficas del Cámbrico
inferior y generan aureolas metasómaticas de alta temperatura en contacto con
los mármoles. Se concentran mayoritariamente en el sector oriental de las
sierras, (Sierras Chicas, Sierras de Cunuputo y San Marcos ) y en estos sectores
la composición es esencialmente Tonalítica a Trondhjemítica siendo menos
frecuente las granodioritas. En la Sierra Norte de Córdoba se reconocen diques
riolíticos de emplazamientos muy someros y plutones menores de composición
granítica, en tanto que al oeste, en la Sierras de Guasapampa afloran plutones
de composición granítica y granodiorítica de edad similar a los anteriores.
La distribución geográfica sugiere una variación sistemática de la composición
de estos plutones con un incremento de las variedades graníticas - granodioríticas
hacia el oeste y de las variedades trondhjemíticas - tonalíticas al este. El
magmatismo TTG del Ordovícico de Córdoba se caracteriza por ser rico en Na2O (
5,8 - 3,2%), CaO (3,4 - 2,6%) y Sr (800 - 400 ppm ), muy deprimido en K2O (0,65
- 2,02%), FeOt (0,70 - 1,20%), Cs (0,2 -2,3 ppm), Y (1 - 23 ppm ) y U (0,2 - 1,5
ppm). Presentan además muy bajas relaciones de Rb/
Sr (0,015 - 0,12), ausencia de anomalías negativas
de Eu (Eu/Eu*= 0,9 - 2,4), relaciones [La/Yb]n entre 20-55, relaciones iniciales
87Sr/ 86Sr relativamente bajas (0,705 - 0,707) y (Nd entre +1,5 a - 4,8. Esta
signatura geoquímica sugiere, al menos para algunas de las unidades trondhjemíticas,
una fuente magmática profunda y probablemente de vinculación con el manto
el contexto regional, el magmatismo Ordovícico de las Sierras de Córdoba
representa un arco magmático interno, emplazado sobre el basamento pampeano del
margen occidental de Gondwana, el que se desarrolló contemporáneamente con el
arco magmático principal famatiniano, ubicado mas al oeste, y que dio l ugar a
la formación de las grandes unidades batolíticas de tipo ¨I¨, metaluminosos,
como los aflorantes en las sierras de Chepes - Ulapes y Valle Fértil.
Ordovician magmatism. Córdoba. Argentina
clave: Magmatismo
Ordovícico. Córdoba.
Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba (SPC) has a complex tectonothermic and magmatic
history initiated in the lower Cambrian – Upper Proterozoic, with the
formation of a calc-alkaline magmatic arc, emplaced on continental crust and
followed by a cortical thickening with development of a high grade metamorphism
and anatexis, that formed migmatitic complexes with Cdr + Grt + Sil + Kfs
(minerals symbols after Kretz, 1983) and “S-type” granites of 520 Ma.
(Rapela et al., 1998, Sims et al., 1998 and references therein).
This evolution is assigned to the Pampean Orogenic Cycle proposed by Aceñolaza
and Toselli, (1972) and in the south-east sector is characterized by a short
life ( 25-35 Ma) and fast exhumation of the metamorphic complex (Baldo et al.,
the lower to middle Ordovician period, the Cambrian basement of the SPC has been
the foreland of a new orogenic cycle (Famatinian Orogenic) and the magmatic
activity is manifested in the development of small and isolated plutons,
distributed in the Sierra Chica, Sierra Grande and Sierra Norte (Fig. 1).
Seventeen main plutons are adscript to the famatinian magmatic event, which have
been studied by several authors and with different degree of detail and that are
assigned to the Ordovician magmatism through geochronologic dating or
geochemical correlation. These plutons are generally of reduced dimensions (3 to
10 km of diameter) and its composition is mainly trondhjemitic – granodioritic
for the ones located in the oriental sector of the SPC, granodioritic in the
central sector and granitic – granodioritic in the occidental sector. In the
central and northern sector of the Sierra Chica and in the Sierra of Cuniputo,
swarms of tonalitic dikes are observed, with N-S directions and subvertical dip
(>70°). On the other hand, in the Sierra Norte of Córdoba the plutons and
subvolcanic rocks are of granitic and rhyolitic composition.
main tectonometamorphic event assigned to the Ordovician of Córdoba is the
formation of important milonitic belts in the Green schists facies, with N-S
directions and high grade dip to the east, that represents inverses faults with
top to the west (Martino et al., 1993 a-b, Simpson et al., 2001).
The age of this deformation is not well constrained and the location in the
Ordovician time is on accounts of cut relations with the plutonic events and in
general restricted to the upper Ordovician, which allows primary to correlate it
with the Ocloyic tectonic phase of the Famatinian cycle.
The Tres Arboles shear belt, in the southwestern of Córdoba, is a main milonitic shear zone of SPC and probably represent the principal tectonic contact between Pampean and Famatinian Orogenic Belt (Whitmeyer and Simpson, in press). Recent observations carried on by Fagiano et al. (2002), in the milonitic belt Guacha Corral, state that the dominating planar fabric occur after the thermal peak and is determined by two retrograde associations, one in amphibolites facies (Bt + Sil) and the other
in green schists facies (Chl+ Ms + Ser). These events would have been produced
during the Famatinian Cycle. However, Martino et al., (2002) propose an Upper
Cambrian ages for the milonitic belt of Los Túneles, in the west sector of SPC.
paper is a review and a compilation of the petrographic, geochemical and
geochronological data of the main plutons and dikes assigned to the Ordovician
in the Sierras of Córdoba, and its integration in the regional context is
1. Geological map
of the Sierras de Córdoba. Locations and outcrop.
petrographic and geochronological data
Sierra Chica Sector
Güiraldes Trondhjemite: (30°57.5’
LS - 64°27.1’LW). This
pluton is located to the northern sector of Sierra Chica (Fig.1) and it was
described by Perez et al., (1996 a and b), Lyons et al. (1997) and
Rapela et al. (1998). It has a roughly elliptic shape of about 10 km of
length, it is lengthened in NW direction and intruded in a discordant way to the
metamorphic basement, It carry xenoliths of schist, amphibolites and marbles,
producing on the latter an epidotic skarn. It has also microgranular enclaves
with Pl + Qtz + Bt + Ms (tonalitic) and enclaves of dioritic rocks with Pl + Hbl
(>50%). It has a rough foliation, but penetrative, which accentuates towards
the pluton’s margins. Is a semibritlle deformation that produce the
orientation of the muscovite and quartz crystals, which anastomosely surround
the euhedric crystals of plagioclase, the foliation has an average direction of
N 310°/ 65 E.
magmatic texture is granular and is composed by 40-45% of Pl (An 20-25)
+ 35-40% Qtz + 10% Ms ± Bt ± Kfs, as accessories Ep, Zr, Ap, Mnz and Chl + Ep2
as Bt alteration, the color index is < than 8, which
allows to be classified as trondhjemite.
et al., 1998 obtained for this magmatic unit an age of 499 ± 5Ma (U-Pb
SHRIMP in magmatic zircon), an age of 496 ± 2 Ma (U-Pb traditional in zircon)
and an age of 438 ± 9 Ma (UPb SHRIMP in monazite).The firsts represent a
crystallization ages and is the most ancient registered for this type of
magmatic unit in the SPC. The age of 438 ± 9 Ma in monazite could represent the
postcrystalline deformational event that affected the Güiraldes trondhjemite.
San Agustín Trondhjemite:
(31° 58’38’’LS - 64° 23’57’’LW). Located in the southern sector of the Sierra Chica, it
is the minor of a group of similar bodies of this sector and it is constituted
by discontinuous and elliptic outcroppings with a inner deformation of fragile
type, that produces a very pronounced foliation of NNW direction. It is a white
grayish rock, of thick granular texture and compound by Pl (andesine) + Qtz + Bt
+ Ms and ± Kfs. Rapela et al., (1998) characterize it geochemically and
define it as a very characteristic trondhjemite, fact through which the authors
infer an Ordovician age.
Calmayo Trondhjemite: (32°
01’46’’LS - 64° 27’29’’LW). The
Calmayo pluton, located to the south of the previous body, is one of the most
representative, it presents an approximately circular shape and it has about 3.5
km of diameter. The petrological features were described by Martino and Fagiano
(1982) and Martino et al., (1995). Has been emplaced discordantly in the
metamorfic complex of the southern Sierra Chica, it has altered xenoliths of
mafic rocks, gneisses and marbles, with a metasomatic alteration on the latter.
It is also observed a marked development of fractures produced by an overimposed
brittle deformation event. It is a leucotonalite with >> Pl (An 20) + Qtz + Bt ± Ms ± Kfs,
as main accessories Ap, Zr and Ep and sericite as subsolid alteration products.
Sinmagmatic aplitic intrusives and variation of the grain size towards the
contacts are distinguished inside the pluton.
Agustín trondhjemite as well as the Calmayo one do not present isotopic dating,
nevertheless the composition and the field relations allow that these are
incorporate in to the magmatic event of Ordovician age.
El Hongo Trondhjemite: (32° 11’48’’LS - 64°
23’21’’LW). El Hongo pluton is located in the environs of the locality of
Embalse de Rio Tercero. It is emplaced, as well as the Calmayo pluton, in the
Metamorphic Complex of south of Sierra Chica. It presents a slightly rectangular
shape of about 4 km of length and it is oriented in ENE-WSW direction. It was
described by Martino and Fagiano, (1982) and more recently by D’Eramo et
al., (1999).
contacts with the country metamorphic rocks is tectonic and the pluton is
densely cracked, mainly in the oriental sector where the rock presents an
evident cataclastic deformations with development of tectonics breccia.
tonalite presents a light gray color, in part whitish, it has medium to coarse
grain and it is composed by >> Pl (An 21-24)
+ Qtz + < 10% Bt ± Kfs. The texture is granular hypidiomorphic with the
plagioclase in irregular crystals and with notably concentric zoned texture. In
the central sector of the pluton, it has a more basic facies with Hb (D’Eramo et
al., 1999). The same authors cited an age of 434 ± 22 Ma (K-Ar in biotite).
Considering that the Bt is a little stable mineral for the K-Ar system and that
its closing temperature is relatively low, it is probable that it does not
reflect the age of crystallization, but the age of cooling or of some other
posterior tectonic event. These biotite K-Ar age is very similar to the monazite
age of 438 ± 9 Ma in the Güiraldes pluton.
Tonalitic dikes: In the central part of Sierra Chica and
specially along the Quebrada del Río Suquía, it is possible to observe
outcroppings of little tabular bodies that have variable thickness from only 0.5
m to 40 m as maximum, which form swarms of parallel dikes. These intrusive were
firstly described by Gordillo, (1958) and Gordillo and Lencinas (1979) and more
recently by Toselli (1999).
dikes have a very regular directions almost N-S and subvertical dipping, they
cut with low angle the metamorphic foliation S2 of general directions 320º/60E.
They always present a sharp contact with the country rock, they can show a
chilled margins and angular metamorphic xenoliths are common in the next to the
contact. These dikes are late in correlation with the other intrusive rocks of
the same area, they are only cut by the granitic pegmatites, of probable
affinity with the Achala magmatism (Upper Devonian).
(1958) defined three main types:
Biotitic Tonalites: 45-48 % Pl (An 25-30) + 25-30 %
Qtz +15-20 % Bt ± Kfs ± Hbl (Ttn + Ap + Mag + Zrn). They have a fine to medium
granular or porphyritic texture with phenocryst of euhedric plagioclase and
frequently with oscillatory concentric zoning and a thin external zone of
albitization (less than 0.01 mm). The biotite is the only mafic mineral present
and it is generally abundant, with zircon inclusions and pleochroic halos. This
type forms the most wide dikes.
Hornblendic Tonalites: Pl + Qtz + Hbl ± Bt (Ttn +Ap +
Ep). This rocks are textural and chemically very different to the previous ones,
they do not have porphyric texture and they are of fine grain (0.1 to 0.2 mm)
and the biotite is substitutes by hornblende.
Tonalitic Porphyries: Compositionally are similar to
the previous ones, but they present a well marked porphyric texture with
aphanitic matrix. It has two generations of plagioclase, one it is a basic
oligoclase with concentric zonal structure and that forms euhedral phenocrysts,
and the other, it is of less size and more albitic. The quartz is totally in the
fine matrix. The mafic mineral can be Bt as well as Ho. Ep, Ap, Py and Ti in
less proportion complete the minerology. In general, these are dikes of small
Trondhjemitic variety of these dikes is recognizes by Toselli (1999) and it has
light gray color, with granular or porphyric textures with 60% of Pl + 34% Qtz +
6% of Bt ± Ms and Ap, Zr and Op as accessories. They have fluidal textures and
an important postcrystalline deformation.
textural and field evidences suggest a lower emplacement of these intrusives
rocks, which would have emplaced in a relatively could and rigid basement. The
age of the tonalitic dikes is not well known in the Quebrada del Rio Suquia,
nevertheless, On the similar dike of Las Tunas (environs of Cosquín city),
Gromet (com. Pers.) obtained an age U-Pb in zircon of 460 ± 7 Ma (upper
intersection of the concord over three points). If this represents a
crystallization age, these intrusives would represent the closing of the
Famatinean magmatic event in the SPC. The cooling age of 428 ± 12 Ma (40Ar
- 39Ar in Bt) for pseudotachylytes in
the Rio Suquía sections (Northrup et al., 1998) probably marc the upper
limit for the ductile deformation and for the emplacement of these intrusives
Piedra Grande Tonalite: (31° 05’23’’ LS - 64°31’56’’LW).
In the place Alto de la Piedra Grande, located in the eastern sector of the
“El Perchel- Pampa de Olaen block¨, outcrop intrusives rocks of tonalitic to
granodioritic composition, associated with aplitics and pegmatitics.
Piedra Grande Tonalite is the most representative pluton, it has 1,200 m of
length by 500 m of wide (Pastore, 1932; Gomez, 1983) and it has a NNE-SSW
directions, intrudes in a subconcordant way to La Falda metamorphic complex and
carry xenoliths of this late of centrimetrical sizes. A little marked foliation
is recognized. It is classified as a Tonalite of dark gray color, composed
essentially by Qtz + Pl + Bt and scarce Kfs and Ms, the texture is granular with
fine to medium grain and change to porphyric in the marginal facies with
phenocrysts of plagioclase. Though there are not precise dating of these rocks,
this type of bodies, not very deformed, post metamorphic and of tonalitic
composition, are similar to the bodies of the Ordovician age of the region.
only geochronological information that is disposed of this unit it is an age of
377 ± 15 Ma (K – Ar in Bt, Linares and Gonzalez 1990) and it probably
represents a late deformation stage.
Granitic Pluton of Loma Ancha: The next of La Calera city,
in the Quebrada del Río Suquía, outcrop a little pluton with aproximately
elliptic shape of about 500 m long by 350 m wide and lengthened in NNO-SSE
direction. It intrudes the cordieritic migmatites of La Calera and the high
temperature milonites of La Estanzuela shears belt, it is affected by a brittle
deformation that deforms the quartz crystals and produces “kink band” micro
folds in the muscovite. This granite is intruded by the tonalitic dikes
previously described.
has a granular texture of coarse grain with big flakes of secondary muscovite
(5-7 mm), the modal composition is: 35% Qtz + 21% Kfs + 37% Pl + 5-15% Ms Bt and
Ap, Zr and Grt as accessories (Gordillo, 1958, Toselli, G.1999).
only age of this ganite is a K-Ar age in Ms ( 447 ± 15 Ma, Linares and Gonzalez
1990) and probably it represent the stage of the blastesis of the secondary
muscovite. The granite cut de migmatic fabrics of the cordieritic migmatite with
a metamorphism age of 522 ± 8 Ma (U-Pb in monazite, Rapela et al.,
1998), and is intruded by the tonalitic dikes of 460 Ma for which its age would
be between these two events.
Sierra de Cuniputo - San Marcos and Ascochinga Sector
Cruz del Eje Granodiorite: This outcropping is a small
lightly circular stock of granodioritic composition which dimensions do not
overcome the 200 m of diameter. It outcrops in the environs of the Cruz del Eje
dyke’s wall, its color is white grayish with dark spots as a consequence of
the presence of biotite. It presents a granular holocrystalline of medium grain
texture. Its mineralogy is represented by lightly zoned plagioclase, microcline,
with a great development and poiquilitic texture, that includes almost all the
mineralogy, the quartz presents a light wavy extintion, but neigther deformation
nor pulverization are observed, the biotite and muscovite complete the
there are no specific geochronological data about this rock, this type of
no-deformed bodies present compositional particularities, geomorphologicaly and
structurally much alike to the ones attributed to the Famatinian magmatic cycle.
La Fronda Trondhjemite:
(30°52’03’’LS - 64°38’18’’LW). This
magmatic unit was described by Massabie, (1982), Caffe (1993), Caffe and Baldo,
(1994) and Lyons et al., (1997) and geochemically characterized by Rapela
et al., (1998). It outcrops to the south of the Quilpo quarry and to the
west of Rio Pintos (Fig.1). This is a ovoidal pluton of 6 km of length by 4 km
of wide, it is elongated in the same directions to the foliation of the
metamorphic country rocks and partly interdigitated with this, but its relation
is clearly discordant in the north and south contact. It intrudes gneisses,
schists and amphibolites of the Cruz del Eje-La Falda Metamorphic Complex,
remaining these as xenoliths and pendants inside the pluton. In the North
contact, it intrudes the marbles of the Quilpo Formation, developing skarns of
Grt-Wo. It has a penetrating foliation in the border of the body which
diminishes towards the core, the foliation is given by the orientation of the
secondary muscovite and biotitic schlieren.
is a leucotonalite with granodioritic and granitic facies, has a light gray
color, equigranular texture of coarse grain (2 to 10 mm), formed by 30-40 % Qtz
+ 35-50 % Pl + 2-4 % Kfs + 5-16 % Ms (primary and secondary) + 3-6 % Bt, as
accessories Ap, Zr, Mnz, Op and also Ep secondary, Chl as alteration
first ages for this intrusive body were published by Massabie (1982), who
obtains an age of 455 Ma ± 15 (K-Ar in Bt). More recently, Rapela et al.,
(1998) define a Rb-Sr isochrone of 474 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 4.3).
Granitic Pegmatites: In different sectors of the
Sierras de Córdoba swarms of pegmatitic that intrude the metamorphic basement
are distinguished. These pegmatites has a similar features that in the rest of
the Sierras Pampeanas. They are very rich in potassium feldspar and muscovite
and they are concentrated in sectors which seems to indicate a deformational
control in its emplacement. In the Ascochinga-Carape area and in the Sierra de
Cunuputo with ages of 435±7 Ma and 447±7 Ma (K-Ar in Ms) were cited and these
ones can represent the intrusion or deformation age (Rapela et al.,
Sierra Norte sector
Oncan Rhyolites: Located in the northern extreme of the
Sierra Norte of Córdoba and south of Santiago del Estero, they are a
subvolcanic dikes that have up to 40 m of thick and they can reach 5 km of legth
(Bonalumi, 1988). In the environs of Oncan, in Santiago del Estero province,
they outcrops as extrusive rhyolitic bodies. They intrude the granodiorites and
granites with Hbl + Bt of the magmatic arc of the lower Cambrian and they are
rocks of pale pink color, of fine to very fine granulometry with porphyric
texture in the hypabyssal bodies to microporphyric in the rhyolites themselves.
The most abundant mineral is the quartz, that is observed very clean and not
pressed (the rock reaches up to 78% of SiO2
in the most evolving terms), the potassium feldspar and
the plagioclase, that is An (8-10),
complete the minerology. The rock can be classified as leucorhyolite, the only
mafic minerals are the scarce laminas of microcrystalline biotite, this fact is
geochemically corroborated, since the FeO values do not overlap the 0.85% on
these rocks an age of 494 ± 11 Ma was observed (Rb-Sr Isochrone, MSWD=2.2,
Rapela et al., 1991) locating it in the Lower Ordovician
El Cerro de Tulumba Granite:
(30°23’66’’LS - 64°05’44’’LW). In
the austral sector of Sierra
of Córdoba, at 3 km to the east of the locality of Villa Tulumba, there
outcrops a small subcircular pluton of 1.5 km of diameter denominated El Cerro
granite (Mazzieri and Baldo 1994; Baldo et al., 1999). It intrudes to a
deformed porphyritic granite, belonging to the magmatic serie of the Lower
Cambrian, showing a sharp contact that interrupts the foliation of the porphyric
the El Cerro granite neither enclaves or metamorphic xenoliths are observed,
either a postcrystalline deformation is identified, which is very evident in the
other granitic units of the sector, allowing to infer a late emplacement and
genetically unbound of the main magmatic Cambrian event.
composition of the pluton is homogeneous and it is a leucocratic monzogranite,
with granular texture and medium grain size, composed by 34-38% Qtz + 23-34% Pl
(albitic) + 23-30% Kfs (microcline perthitic) + 5-12% Ms and as accessory Ap, Zr
and small garnet crystals. An isochron Rb-Sr suggest an age of 434 ± 39 Ma
(MSWD = 0.2, Baldo et al., 1998), that would locate this granite in the Upper
Villa Albertina Granite:
(30°41’33’’LS – 64°17’59’’LW). It
outcrops to the north and to the south of Villa Albertina and it is a N-S
elongated pluton that has up to 8 km of length by an average wide of 2.5 km. It
was described by Gordillo et al., (1997) as a monzogranitic pluton (Qtz + Pl +
Kfs + Ms + Bt), with granular texture an medium grain, which presents scarce
deformation and it intrude the Ischilín mylonitic belt, including xenoliths of
this one. It is important to highlight that the Sierra de Ischilín, where this
granitoid is emplaced, occupies the meridional extreme of the Sierra Norte and
it is essentially constituted by metaluminous granodiorites with Hbl + Bt + Ttn
+ Ep.
though there are not absolute ages about this granite, this type of non-deformed
plutons, that cut of ductil shear zone, can be compared with the other
Ordovician granites.
Sierra Grande Sector
Paso del Carmen Tonalite: (31°04’31’’LS
– 64°55’01’’LW). In
the north of the Sierra Grande, near to Paso del Carmen locality, it outcrops an
important intrusive defined by Olsacher (1960) as “Paso del Carmen
granodiorite”, and later investigated by Caminos and Cucchi (1990) and Lyons, et
al. (1997). It is a body of lightly triangular shape oriented in E-W
direction, of about 6.5 km of length by 2.5 km of wide. It intrudes discordantly
cutting almost perpendicularly the NNW foliation of the country gneiss, which
does not suffer any type of deviation in the proximities of the contact (Gromet
and Simpson 1998). Internally it does not register foliation by deformation and
it presents an isotropic texture, granular hypidiomorphic of medium to coarse
granulometry. The mineralogic composition is: Qtz + Pl + Bt + Ep + Hbl + Ttn. It
has an important kaolinic and sericitic alteration of the plagioclases and the
chloritization and epidotization of the ferromagnesians minerals.
variations and minor syn-magmatic intrusive dikes are distinguished, specially
in the southeast border of the pluton, where the dikes of porphyric tonalities,
microdiorites of 2- 3 m of wide, and pegmatitic veins are frequent.
and Simpson, (1998) define an U-Pb zircon age of 474±5 Ma (upper interception
of the concordia with MSWD = 1.6) indicating for this non-deformed pluton an
emplacement in the Lower to Middle Ordovician.
Sierra de Guasapampa Sector
Charquina Granodiorite:
(30°40’13”LS - 65°53’50’’LW). In
the northwestern border of the SPC, to the west of the La Playa, it outcrops a
pluton of ovoidal shape with its major axis northsouth direction and of about 8
km of length by 3.5 km of wide. The country rocks, are gneisses and migmatites
of the San Carlos Massif in the eastern sector and milonites and gneisses in the
western sector. The pluton cut the milonitic foliation of the Los Túneles shear
zone that has a direction of N 320° / 45° NE (Martino et al., 2002).
and Lira (1998) recognize for this pluton two main facies, the one of lesser
development is a biotitic monzogranite of medium grain, outcropping in the
eastern border and central part of the body, constituted by 36% Qtz + 32% Pl (An
08), 24% Mic. + 7% Ms + <1% Bt, as accessories Ap,Zr, Rt, Grt, Ep and as
alteration Chl, Ms, Ep, Op and carbonates. The facies that occupy the greater
part of the pluton is a biotitic muscovitic granodiorite of uniform medium grain
(1 to 2 mm). The mineralogical composition is: 35% Qtz + 36% Pl (An 17) + 12%
Mic + 8% Bt + 4% Ms, besides of Ap, Ep and Zr as accessories and Chl, Ep2,
Ms and Ttn as alteration. It also presents numerous syn-magmatic apilitic and
pegmatitic intrusions N-S and E-W oriented.
et al., (2002) report an age of crystallization of 478 ± 8 Ma for the
granodioritic facies of the pluton La Playa (age U-Pb zircon SHRIMP) confirming
the age Rb-Sr obtained by Rapela et al., (1998).
Cuesta de los Romeros Tonalite:
(31°04’35’’LS - 65°18’07’’LW). This intrusive body is emplaced
inside the San Carlos metamorphic-anatectic massif, more precisely in the
western side of the Sierra del Coro (Bonalumi, et al. in press). It is an
intrusive of tonalitic composition lightly elongated with NW direction and it
has 6 km of length and 2.5 km of wide. The tonalite is of gray color with black
spots of biotitic composition with granular xenomorphic texture. The primary
mineralogy is represented by: Qtz-Pl-Bt-Ti-Ap-Zr-Ep1.
A strong sericitation of the plagioclases is observed, while the chloritization
of the ferromagnesian is incipient. The Ep2
a secondary replaces of Pl, Bt and Ti. The pluton present a marked deformation
of their primary mineralogy, the Qtz show strain shadows, the Bt has “kink”
folds and the Pl has an incipient deformation.
(1989), makes a detailed description of its emplacement and observes a
concordant position with a deformation cycle of NNW-SSE direction, with
gradational passages to the country rock, which are as well cut by pegmatites
bound with the Mesa del Coro granite (see the next), those same pegmatites cut
the tonalite, so Fernandez (1989) suggests an older age for the Cuesta de Los
Romeros tonalite, in regards to Mesa del Coro granite (471 ± 58 Ma using K/Ar
in Bt), for which it could be located in the Famatinian cycle.
Mesa del Coro Granite: (31°05’12.2’’LS - 65°17’44’’LW)
this granite outcrops 2 km south of the locality of Cienaga del Coro and very
near to the eastern extreme of the Cuesta de Los Romeros tonalite. Its main
outcropping (Fernandez, 1989) is lengthen with NNW-SSE bearing, direction in
which it has 2 km by a variable wide between 0.9 km in the south half and 0.5 km
in the north. The contacts are generally pure. It is a rock of pink color with
light gray tonalites, it presents a midium granulometry being its main mineral
components: Qtz + Kfs + Pl + Ms + Bt(scarce), while
the accessories that integrate it are: Grt, Crd, Ap, Zrn, Tur, Toz, Fl, which is
indicating its strong peraluminous tendency and an interesting grade of
specialization. Locally and near the pegmatites important Tur crystals. It is
important to highlight that in some localized sectors (on calc-silicatic rocks)
it has been produced a thermic metamorphism with hornfels formation.
Petrographically it is a muscovite granite with hydrothermal overimpossed
alteration. Geochemically it is located inside the peraluminous subalkaline
granites. This type of body is considered an specialized granite, with abnormal
values in W and Sn (average 10 ppm and 29 ppm respectively: n=11). It was dated
in 471 ± 58 Ma., using K/Ar in biotites, (Fernandez, 1989).
main feature of the Ordovician magmatism of the SPC is the association of
trondhjemitetonalite- granodiorite, (TTG magmatism of Rapela et al.,
1998) which develops preferably in the Sierra Chica, Sierra de Cuniputo – San
Marcos and some isolated plutons in the north of Sierra Grande and Sierra de
Guasapampa (Fig.2). The only granitic pluton in the Sierra Chica could be the
Loma Ancha granite, which has been tentatively included together with the others
Famatinean plutons.
TTG magmatism is of slight to moderately peraluminous tendency and enriched in
Na2O, with values upper than 3% and
in some cases close to 6% (Fig.3), it is also rich in CaO and Sr, specially in
the tonalitics and trondhjemitics varieties and comparatively depleted in K2O
(0.65 – 2.02%), FeOt, Cs (0.2 – 2.3 ppm) and
other incompatible elements, being also specially low the relations Rb/Sr and
the total Rare Earths contents (Fig.3).
et al., (1998) and Pankhurst et al., 2000 also indicate, for the
TTG group, a positive or absent Eu-anomaly, relations [La/Yb]n of 2 –55,
initial 87Sr/ 86Sr
ratios relatively low (0.705 – 0.707) and values of the eNd between + 1.5 a
– 4.8. these features are specially evident in the trondhjemitic units as the
ones from Güiraldes and San Agustin, suggesting, at least for these ones, a
deep and basic magmatic source probably of astenospheric mantle source.
the Sierra Norte of Córdoba some notable differences in regards to the rest of
the SPC are observed. The rhyolitic intrusives are varieties of high silica
(> 75% of SiO2) moderately peraluminous,
rich in K2O (4.5 - 5.8% K2O) and high
relations of Rb/Sr (Fig.3). they have a strong negative Eu-anomaly (Table 1) and
high initial relations of 87Sr
/ 86Sr
(0.80 – 0.89 ), which suggests an important cortical participation in its
genesis. (Rapela et
al., 1994).
Cerro Granite shows some geochemical similitudes with the rhyolitic porphyry,
specially its high tenor in SiO2 (75 to 77%), its low peraluminosity, relatively
high relations Rb/Sr (> 40) and a strong negative Eu-anomaly (Table 1).
However, the relation [La/Y]n of 12-26, and eNd of –1.9 would be evidences of
a more deep source for this granite (Baldo et al., 1998).
magmatism of lower to middle Ordovician age of the SPC is characterized mainly
by the generation of small plutons, tabular dikes and subvolcanic
manifestations. These ones have discordantly emplaced in the Lower Cambrian
metamorphic or igneous basement, cutting the metamorphic foliations and carry
small and angular xenoliths or blocks than these ones, they can also generate a
metasomatism effect in contact with marbles and calc-schists. They never show a
high temperature ductile milonitization and the only postmagmatic deformation
that they register is of semi-fragile to fragile type. From this it is deduced
that its emplacement has been at relatively low deep and in a previous rigid
basement. The tabular dikes has porphyric texture and an aphanitic matrix, which
also indicates a shallow emplacement.
to the nowadays available geocronological information (see plutons’
description), the trondhjemites are the most ancient units, with a maximun age
of 499 ± 5 Ma (Güiraldes trondhjemite), they are followed by the granodioritic
units with ages of 474 – 478 Ma (La Fronda, La Playa and Paso del Carmen) and
finally, the tonalitic dikes ( 460 ± 6 Ma).
distribution of the different plutons, (Fig. 1) suggest same compositional
control for the emplacement of this plutons, the trondhjemite + tonalite ±
granodiorites plutons (TTG group) are located preferable to the east of the SPC,
while the granodioritic and granitic are located to the west.
Ordovician magmatism of the Sierra Norte de Córdoba has a similar aspect with
respect to the levels of emplacement, but show important geochemical differences
that suggest a greater cortical participation in the genesis of these ones.
In the context of Sierras Pampeanas, the Ordovician magmatic event of the SPC is coeval with the early “I” type metaluminous and calcic suite magmatism, located farther west and that forms a big batholitic unites of granodiorites with Hbl + Bt, these are representatives of the main subductions magmatic arc of the Famatinean Orogen (Pankhurst et al., 2000). In this context the TTG of the SPC would represent an inner magmatic arc, emplaced on the pampean foreland of the western margin of Gondwana.
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15 de Octubre de 2002
Aceptado: 12 de Diciembre de 2002