40 años | 1984 - 2024

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Miscelánea 14

Biodiversidad de Cyanophyceae (Cyanobacteria) y especies toxigénicas del litoral fluvial argentino

Yolanda Zalocar de Domitrovic | Marina E. Forastier

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BIODIVERSITY OF CYANOPHYCEAE (CYANOBACTERIA) OF THE ARGENTINIAN FLUVIAL LITTORAL. This paper summarizes the data available about the diversity of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) from Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, Misiones, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe provinces, Paraná and Paraguay rivers from published and unpublished dates. It includes a compilation of 158 taxa distributed in 48 genera. Some aspects of abundance, waterbloom production and toxigenic species are emphasized.

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